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Michi Fu

Michi Fu, Ph.D. is a Professor of Clinical Psychology who graduated with an emphasis in Multicultural Community Clinical Psychology (MCCP) and Visiting Professor of National Taiwan University. They enjoy teaching courses related to diversity, women's issues, spirituality, sexuality, clinical immersion and advocacy.

Dr. Fu also has a part-time private practice dedicated to serving those who could benefit from their Taiwanese and Mandarin conversational skills. They also consult with Garfield Health Center to better serve the lower income population and their mental health needs. They are a former Okura Mental Health Leadership Fellow who has been trained to engage in social justice advocacy.

Professional Interests
  • Advocacy
  • Asian American mental health
  • Cross-Cultural/Multicultural/Global Mental Health & International Psychology
  • Intergenerational/Complex Trauma
  • Media Psychology
  • Sexuality/Sex Positivity
  • Spirituality/Wellness/Holistic Healing
  • Women/Gender Issues
Education and Certifications
  • PhD; California School of Professional Psychology, Los Angeles
  • MA; California School of Professional Psychology, Los Angeles
  • MA, Counseling Psychology, Boston College



  • Leadership Institute for Women in Psychology Fellow (2014-2015)
  • PBS SoCal Community Champion (May 2014)
  • American Psychological Association, Division 35 Section 5 (Psychology of Women) Pioneer Award Nominee (2014)
  • Asian American Psychological Association Fellow (August 2013)
  • American Psychological Association Society for Ethnic Minority Issues Early Career Award for Service (2011)
  • American Psychological Association Society for Ethnic Minority Issues Early Career Award Nominee (2010)
  • Asian American Psychological Association Early Career Award Nominee (2011)
  • Asian American Psychological Association Early Career Award Nominee (2010)
  • Asian American Psychological Association Division on Women Award Recipient (2000 & 2002)
  • Okura Mental Health Leadership Foundation Fellow (2002)
  • University of Hawaii Student Equity, Excellence, and Diversity (SEED) Diversity and Equity Grant Recipient (2003-2004)
  • Overseas Commission Compatriot Young Health Professionals Fellowship (2006)
  • Cultural Immersion Experience in Taiwan: Mental Health Related Cross-Cultural Perspectives 
  • Intercultural Processes and Human Diversity
  • Public Outreach, Media & Advocacy 
  • Spirituality and Multicultural Mental Health
Scholarship and Contributions to the Field
  • Fu, M., Wood, T., Olkin, R., Patton, C., and Hsu, H. (2020, October). COVID and Vulnerable Populations. Continuing Education Webinar of the California Psychological Association. Sacramento, CA.
  • Wood, T., Fu, M., Gallardo, M., Huey, S., Wang, S. (2020, May) Not in my backyard: Racialized bias during COVID-19. Continuing Education Webinar of the California Psychological Association. Sacramento, CA.
  • Chang, L. Y. & Fu, M. (2019). Disentangling the effects of intergenerational transmission of depression from adolescence to adulthood: the protective role of self-esteem. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry.
  • Fu, M. (2019, June). THRIVE Wellness Continuing Education Tour. CE Facilitator for 30 Units. Taichung & Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Fu, M. (2018). We’re afraid to refer to the counseling center: considerations in supervising outreach. In T. Burnes and J. Manese (Eds.), Casebook in Multicultural Clinical Supervision.
  • Fu, M. (2018, August). Exploring Parent-Daughter Dynamics Through Film: NATWA II Filmmakers’ Panel. Invited magazine column for the North American Taiwanese Women’s Association.
  • Gutierrez, B., Ramirez-Solis, E., Raju, M., Tu, J., Mabie, D., Xiao, A., & Fu, M. (2018, October). Ni de aqui, ni de alla: The intersectionality of LGBT Latinx immigrants during 45th’s administration. Poster presented of the 2018 National Latina/o Psychological Association Biennial Conference, San Diego, CA.
  • Douge, J., Barreuco, S., Garrett-Akinsanya, B. M., Fu, M. and Fuentes, M. (2018, August). Treatment Engagement Interventions and Strategies for Asian American Children and Their Families. In M. E. Ofonedu (Chair) Treatment Engagement and Intervention Strategies for Underserved Children, Youth, and Families Symposium of the American Psychological Association Annual Convention. San Francisco, CA.
  • Park, D. Raju, M., & Fu, M. (2018, August). Model Minority of Korean Immigrants: Overcoming Mental Health Issues. Poster presentation at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA.
  • Ramirez-Solis, E., Raju, M., Tu, J., Gutierrez, B., & Fu, M. (2018, August). The Tweets That Rocked the Boat: The Trans* Veteran Experience. Poster presentation at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention. San Francisco, CA.
  • Park, D., Raju, M. and Fu, M. (2018, August). Model Minority of Korean Immigrants: Overcoming Mental Health Issues. American Psychological Association Division 45 poster presentation, San Francisco, CA.
  • Park, D. & Fu, M. (2018, August). Scale Development of Internalized Mental Health Beliefs and Practices for Koreans Living in the United States. Poster presentation at the Asian American Psychological Association Convention. San Francisco, CA.
  • Futterman, L., Firestone, L., Fu, M. & Haldeman, D. (2018, April). Sex, Intimacy & Psychotherapy: Across Gender and Sexual Orientation. Continuing Education workshop for the California Psychological Association Annual Convention. La Jolla, CA.
  • Raju, M., Ramirez-Solis, E., Tu, J., & Fu, M. (2018, March). As Women We Rise: The Aftermath of Removing Planned Parenthood Agencies. Poster presentation. Association of Women in Psychology, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Conover, K., Fu, M., Gharibian, G. and Liu, L. (2018, January). Teaching Diversity: A Conversation about Instructor Self-Awareness, Knowledge and Skills, and Contextual Factors. Workshop at the National Council of Schools and Programs of Professional Psychology (NCSPP) Annual Conference. Las Vegas, NV.
  • Fu, M., Raju, M., Ramirez-Solis, E., German, Z., Drinkard, S., & Tu, J. (2017). A Primer on Therapy with Diverse Couples and Families: A Review of Diversity in Couple and Family Therapy: Ethnicities, Sexualities, and Socioeconomics. PsycCritiques, 62 (31). American Psychological Association: Washington, D.C.
  • Raju, M. & Fu, M. (2017). Safe Sex: The Impact of HIV on MSM in China and Thailand. Paper submitted and accepted for presentation and publication as part of the the Global Healthcare Conference 2017 conference proceedings. Global Healthcare Conference, Singapore.
  • Fu, M. (2017, October). Where Are You From? The Imperfections of Cross-Cultural Therapeutic Relationships. Continuing education workshop presented at the Hawaii Psychological Association annual convention. Honolulu, HI.
  • Fu, M. (Chair), Kim, G., Lee, R., Liu, M., Mock, M. & Sue, S. (2017, October). The origins and future of teaching Asian American psychology. Symposium at the Annual Convention of the Asian American Psychological Association, Las Vegas, NV.
  • Hsu, H., Yokoyama, K., Fu, M. & Vohra, M. (2017, October). Who defines AAPI feminism? Difficult Dialogue at the Annual Convention of the Asian American Psychological Association, Las Vegas, NV.
  • Park, D., Raju, M. & Fu, M. (2017, October). Talchul Geumji – No Escape: A Silent Cry for Help among South Korean Women. Symposium at the Annual Convention of the Asian American Psychological Association, Las Vegas, NV.
  • Raju, M., Tu, J. Ramirez-Solis, E., German, Z., Drinkard, S. & Fu, M. (2017, October). Who am I? A call to action to address the stuggles of lesbian and gay Asian individauls. Difficult Dialogue at the Annual Convention of the Asian American Psychological Association, Las Vegas, NV.
  • Wattanavitukul, I. & Fu, M. (2017, October). Psychosocial perception of Autism Spectrum Disorder and treatment needs for the Thai community in Thailand and the United States. Poster presentation at the Annual Convention of the Asian American Psychological Association, Las Vegas, NV.
  • Drinkard, S. & Fu, M. (2017, August). We are because I am: Exploring the protective role of ethnic identity for Black college students. Poster presentation at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association. Washington, D.C.
  • Park, D. & Fu, M. (2017, August). "Sam Jong Ji Do": Korean women and cultural factor attributing to IPV. Poster presentation at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association. Washington, D.C.
  • Tu, J., Drinkard, S., Publico, S. & Fu, M. (2017, August). Risky sex among transgender ethnic minority youth: Exploring risky sex and clinical implications. Poster presentation at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association. Washington, D.C.
  • Park, D. & Fu, M. (2017, August). It even happens to celebrities: Suicide among Korean adolescents. Poster presentation at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association. Washington, D.C.
  • Fu, M. (2017, July). Safe sex: The impact of HIV of MSM in China and Thailand. Paper presentation at the 9th Annual Global Health Conference. Singapore.
  • Drinkard, S., German, Z. & Fu, M. (2017, July). Family is key: Recognizing the protective rolefamilial interactions play in African American adolescent sexual behavior. Poster presentation at the Association of Black Psychologists Annual Convention. Houston, TX.
  • Ramirez-Solis, E., & Fu, M. (2017, June) Why is it ok to kill us? Examining minority community member’s encounters with police officers. Poster presentation of the 23rd Annual National Black Graduate Conference in Psychology, Prairie View, Texas
  • Park, D., Raju, M. and Fu, M. (2017, April). Gun Bae: Exploring maladaptive drinking behaviors among Koreans. Poster presentation at the Poster presentation at the Western Psychological Association Annual Convention. Sacramento, CA.
  • Ramirez-Solis, E., Mendoza, R. and Fu, M. (2017, April). Police are supposed to make us feel safe, but do they? Poster presentation at the Western Psychological Association Annual Convention. Sacramento, CA.
  • Tu, J., Raju, M., and Fu, M. (2017, April). Food and sex: Reviewing the complex relationship between disordered eating and risky sexual behaviors. Poster presentation. Western Psychological Association, Sacramento, CA.
  • Raju, M. and Fu, M. (2017, April). Netflix and chill: What counselors need to know about sex education. Symposium presentation at the 3rd Annual Family, Child & Couple Conference of Southern California. Alhambra, CA.
  • Park, D., Raju, M. and Fu, M. (2017, April). Exploring suicidality protective and risk factors among South Koreans. Poster presentation at the 3rd Annual Family, Child & Couple Conference of Southern California. Alhambra, CA.
  • Publico, S. B. Dunn, C. E., Raju, M., Drinkard, S. & Fu, M. (2017, January). Risky Sexual Behaviors, Sexual Socialization, and Ethnic Pride among Latino Youth. Poster presentation of the National Multicultural Conference and Summit. Portland, OR.
  • Fu, M. & Angevin, S. (2017). Safe sex. In K. Nadal (Ed.), The SAGE encyclopedia of psychology and gender (Vol. 4, pp. 1433-1436). Thousand Oaks,, CA: SAGE Publications Ltd. doi: 10.4135/9781483384269.n
  • Fu, M. & Dunn, C. (2017). Sex education. In K. Nadal (Ed.), The SAGE encyclopedia of psychology and gender (Vol. 4, pp. 1460-1463). Thousand Oaks,, CA: SAGE Publications Ltd. doi: 10.4135/9781483384269.n
  • Fu, M. & Masai, K. (2017). Women’s issues: overview. In K. Nadal (Ed.), The SAGE encyclopedia of psychology and gender (Vol. 4, pp. 1836-1842). Thousand Oaks,, CA: SAGE Publications Ltd. doi: 10.4135/9781483384269.n
  • Fu, M. & Moreno, M. (2017). Immigration and sexualities. In K. Nadal (Ed.), The SAGE encyclopedia of psychology and gender (Vol. 4, pp. 929-930). Thousand Oaks,, CA: SAGE Publications Ltd. doi: 10.4135/9781483384269.n
  • Fu, M. & O’Shea, L. (2017). Sex education in schools. In K. Nadal (Ed.), The SAGE encyclopedia of psychology and gender (Vol. 4, pp. 1464-1466). Thousand Oaks,, CA: SAGE Publications Ltd. doi: 10.4135/9781483384269.n
  • Tu, J., Fu, M. & Nadal, K. (2017). Sleep disorders and lgbtq people. In K. Nadal (Ed.), The SAGE encyclopedia of psychology and gender (Vol. 4, pp. 1575-1578). Thousand Oaks,, CA: SAGE Publications Ltd. doi: 10.4135/9781483384269.n
  • Mio, J. & Fu, M. (2017, February). Poverty in the Asian/Pacific Islander community: Social justice – Community related responses. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
  • Fu, M. (2017, Spring). Where is your family from? Considerations for conducting bilingual therapy. The California Psychologist 50 (2).
  • VandenBos, G. R., Fu, M., & Kelly, J. F. (2016). Professional associations in clinical psychology. In J. C. Norcross, G. R. VandenBos, D. K. Freedheim, L. F. Campbell, (Eds.), APA handbook of clinical psychology: Education and profession, Vol. 5 (pp. 425-435). Washington, D.C. US: American Psychological Association. Doi: 10.1037/14774-026.
  • Fu, M. & Vong, S. (2016). Social Connectedness Can Buy Happiness: Asian American Positive Psychology. In E. Chang, C. Downey & N. Lin (Eds.) Handbook of Positive Psychology in Racial and Ethnic Minority Groups: Theory, Research, Assessment, and Practice. Washington, D.C.: APA Publishing.
  • Fu, M., Nee, J. & Shen, Y. C. (2016). Gender, sexism, heterosexism, and privilege across cultures. In P. B. Pedersen, W. J. Lonner, J. G. Draguns, J. E. Trimble, M.. R. Scharron-del Rio (Eds.), Counseling across cultures (7th Ed.). Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
  • Fu, M. (2016). Introduction to psychology with perspectives from Asia. Psyccritiques, 61(22), doi: 10.1037/a0040328.
  • Tu, J. & Fu, M. (2016, August). Obstructive sleep apnea: Are Asians at risk? Poster presentation at the Asian American Psychological Association Annual Convention. Denver, CO.
  • Publico, S. B., Raju, M., Drinkard, S., Minana Perez, C. & Fu, M. (2016, August). Acculturation, cultural beliefs, and risky behaviors: Examining Asian and Pacific Islander youths' sexuality. Poster presentation at the Asian American Psychological Association Annual Convention. Denver, CO.
  • Raju, M. Z., Fu, M., & Dunn, C. E. (2016, August). Furthering sex communication: An insight into attachment styles and sexual behavior. Poster presentation at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention. Denver, CO.
  • Dunn, C. E., Fu, M., & Duran, R. E. (2016, August). The role of black girls’ racial identity and experience of microaggressions in sexual socialization. Poster presentation at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention. Denver, CO.
  • Raju, M. Z., Dunn, C. E., & Fu, M. (2016, August). A more inclusive sex education: The hidden impact of cross-cultural parental communication. Poster presentation at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention. Denver, CO.
  • Drinkard, S., Dunn, C., Raju, M. & Fu, M. (2016, August). “S is for sex:” Exploring inclusive sex education programs for African American youth. Poster presentation at the Association of Black Psychologists Annual Convention. Arlington, VA.
  • Dunn, C., Raju, M., and Fu, M. (2016, April). The Talk: Exploring The Diversity of Ethnic Minority Youth’s Sexuality. Poster presentation at the Western Psychological Association Annual Convention. Long Beach, CA.
  • Africa, J., Sersecion, S., Fu, M., Palad, V. (Co-Moderator) and Sheynman, L. (Co-Moderator). (2016, April) Should I Just Call You “They?” California Psychological Association Convention Invited Diversity Town Hall Panel. Irvine, CA.
  • Dunn, C., Raju, M. & Fu, M. (2016, March) Sexual Assertiveness among LGBT Ethnic Minority Adolescents: Exploring Protective Factors & Clinical Implications. Poster Presentation at the Southwestern Social Sciences Association Annual Convention. Las Vegas, NV.
  • Dunn, C., Duran, R. & Fu, M. (2016, March) Sexual Assertiveness Among Black Girls: Examining the Influence of Sexual Socialization. Poster Presentation at the Association of Women in Psychology Annual Convention. Pittsburgh, PA.
  • O’Shea, L., Fu, M. & Masai, K. (2015, Fall). Adolescent Sexuality in the age of Social Media. The Los Angeles Psychologist: Newsletter of the Los Angeles County Psychological Association.
  • Fu, M. (2015, August) I Don’t See Color, All People Are the Same: Whiteness and Color-Blindness as Training and Supervisory Issues, Women & Therapy, 38:3-4, 279-294, DOI: 10.1080/02703149.2015.1059212
  • Johnson, G., Fu, M. & Jenks, B. (2015, Spring) What Can I Do? The California Psychologist, 48 (2), 27-32.
  • Fu, M., O’Shea, L. & Masai, K. (2015, October). Snapchat that whole“ish”; Adolescent Sexual Knowledge. Continuing Education Presentation at the Los Angeles County Psychological Association. Culver City, CA.
  • Angevin, S. L., Dunn, C. E. & Fu, M. (2015, August). Beyond Comfort And Into A Sexual Health Zone: Are We Preparing Our Ethnic Minority Youth. Poster Presentation at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention. Toronto, Ottawa, Canada.
  • Hsieh, W., Fu, M. & Hsu, C. (2015, August). Collaborative Practice Model: utilizing a collaborative model in serving API community. Presentation at the Asian American Psychological Association Annual Convention. Toronto, Ottawa, Canada.
  • Tsoi, H., Okada, R. & Fu, M. (2015, August). Holistic perspectives on autism spectrum disorder and intracultural diversity between U.S.-born and China-born Chinese American families. Poster Presentation at the Asian American Psychological Association. Toronto, Ottawa, Canada.
  • Masai, K., Dunn, C., O’Shea, L., Angevin, S. L. & Fu, M. (2015, May). Mars and Venus: Gender-specific Examination of Adolescent Sexual Behaviors. Continuing education workshop of the Western Psychological Association Annual Convention. Las Vegas, NV.
  • Jenks, E., Chege, C., Fu, M. & Atencio-Maclean, G. (2015, April). “I used my machete”: Stories as a tool to increase diversity competence in Clinical Supervision. California Psychological Association. San Diego, CA.
  • Angevin, S. L., O’Shea, L., Dunn, C. E., Masai, K. & Fu, M. (2015, April). Impactado por las tradiciones: Latino youth sexual behavior and contraceptive use. Symposium discussant of the Southwestern Social Science Association Annual Convention. Denver, CO.
  • Laurie, A. P., Dunn, C. E., Masai, K., Fu, M., & Angevin, S. L. (2015, March). Serve You Right: Addressing Disparities for Adolescent Girls Who are Members of Underserved Ethnicities. Symposium discussant at the Association of Women in Psychology Annual Convention. San Francisco, CA.


Media Experience:

Community Presentations & Workshops:

  • Albanese, F. and Fu, M. (2021, August). Sleep Hygiene in Times of COVID. Facebook Live Workshop.
  • Albanese, F. and Fu, M. (2021, June). COVID & Mental Health: 10 Safer-at-Home Tips. Facebook Live Workshop. and
  • Fu, M. (2021, June). COVID Got You Down? FIGgit about it. Workshop facilitator for Formosa Improv Group Virtual Open Practice Workshop. Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Fu, M., Moyes, A. and Fu, M. (2021, May) Asian Pacific Heritage Month Celebration Meet Mel: Courageous Conversation. Invited Diversity Equity Initiative Kick-Off for BeautyCounter.
  • Fu, M. (2020, November). Have You Eaten Yet? Chinese American Elderly Mental Health Considerations. Virtual Mental Health Webinar Co-sponsored by World Journal and Garfield Health Services.
  • Fu, M. (2020, September). Women in the Time of COVID: Health, Mental Health and the Power of Place. Virtual Townhall hosted by The City of Los Angeles. or Los Angeles, CA.
  • Fu, M. (2020, September). What COVID-19 Is Doing to our Mental Health and Self Care Tips. Mental Health Virtual Webinar co-sponsored by the City of Monterey Park and Garfield Health Center. Monterey Park, CA.
  • Fu, M. (2020, July). Blackbird. Invited presentation of Got Something to Say? Black Lives Matter Taiwan Event. Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Fu, M. (Facilitator) and Wong, K. (2020, May). The Masks We Wear. Asian Pacific Heritage Month event of the Asian Pacific Student Network of Alliant International University. Alhambra, CA.
  • Fu, M. (2019, August). Confidence and Teamwork. Workshop facilitator for Formosa Improv Group Open Practice Workshop. Taipei, Taiwan.