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Peter Byun
peter byun

Dr. Peter Byun graduated with a Ph.D. in Linguistics with a focus on second language acquisition (SLA) from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign after he received his two MA's in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) and in linguistics from the same university. He taught various groups of English Language Learners and Korean language learners as well as TESOL master and doctoral students. He also worked as an ESOL coordinator in a preservice teacher education program and developed various TESL/TEFL certificate and master programs. His research interests include input, interaction, output, and automaticity in SLA, and the development of TESOL/TEFL programs.

Professional Interests

His research interests include input, interaction, output, and automaticity in SLA, and the development of TESOL/TEFL programs.

Education and Certifications
  • Ph.D. in Linguistics, SLATE  (Second Language Acquisition and Teacher Education)
  • Secondary Level Teacher Certificate (Korea)
  • Content Knowledge and Instructional Practice III: Teaching English Learners
Scholarship and Contributions to the Field
  • Kelch, K., Byun, J., Cervantes, S., & Seterah, S. (Eds.). (2021). CALL Theory: Applications for Online TESOL Education (2nd ed.). Hershey, PA: IGI Publishers.
  • Perren, J., Kelch, K., Byun, J., Cervantes, S., & Seterah, S. (Eds.). (2018). Applications of CALL Theory in ESL and EFL Environments. Hershey, PA: IGI Publishers.
  • Byun, J. (2017).  "The effect of the PBS documentary The New Americans on the TESOL training of preservice teachers." International Journal of TESOL and Learning, 6(1&2), 1-17.
  • Byun, J. & Cavanaugh, T. (2015). Ebooks and ESL/ELL students.  In Terence Cavanaugh’s eBooks for Elementary School (pp. 177-186). Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited. 
  • Byun, J. (2013). "The analysis of conversation topics in a tutoring context." Journal of the Korea English Education Society, 12(3), 91-100. 
  • Byun, J., & Kim, J. (2013). "Homestay: What factors contribute to second language learning?" English 21, 26(1), 267-291.
  • Byun, J., & Cho, Y. (2013). "Evaluation of VanPatten’s input processing theory as a Theory of instructed second language acquisition." The Journal of Korea Knowledge Information Technology Society, 8(1), 95-106.
  • Byun, J., & Kim, J. (2011). "Designing a teaching method of blended English language instructions using web 2.0 technologies." The Journal of Korea Knowledge Information Technology Society, 6(6), 121-126.
  • Byun, J. (2011). "Power law of practice in SLA through computer technology." The Journal of Korea Knowledge Information Technology Society, 6(5), 1-8.
  • Byun, J. (2010). "The forgotten roles and new roles of output in Second Language Acquisition." The Journal of Korea Knowledge Information Technology Society, 5(6), 51-64.
  • Byun, J. (2009). "Skill-specificity in the acquisition of automaticity in L2." The Linguistic Association of Korea Journal, 17(3), 57-78.
  • Byun, J. (2007). "Processing Instruction and Skill-specificity: In which direction should they go?" The Linguistic Association of Korea Journal, 15(1). 15-35
  • Byun, J. (2003). "Syntactic changes of Korean through Englishization." Harvard Studies In Korean Linguistics, X.319-330.
  • Byun, J. (2001). "Some idiosyncratic characteristics of Korean personal pronouns." Harvard Studies In Korean Linguistics, IX, 265-274. 
  • Byun, J., & Ryu, S. (1994). Final Tests. Seoul, Korea: Chunjae Kyoyuk. (English practice test book)


Publications (Non-peer reviewed, but through an Editorial Process)

  • Byun, P. (2019). "Developing speaking fluency through meaningful communicative activities with authenticity." The English Connection, winter edition. 


Peer-Reviewed Presentations

  • Byun, J. (Accepted). The innovative use of cultural and authentic materials for ESOL. Will be presented at the 2023 CATESOL State Conference, College of Alamada, C
  • Byun, J. (2023, April). Commercials and signs as ESL/EFL teaching tools. Presented at the 30th 2023 KOTESOL international Conference & PAC2023, Seoul, Korea. 
  • Byun, P. (2021, October). Athenticity-based activities through the application of culture and technology. Presented at the 2021 CATESOL State Conference, Online. 
  • Byun, P. (2020, November). Commercials in media as an ESL/EFL teaching tool. Presented at the 2020 Asia TEFL International , Koyang, Korea. 
  • Lee, S., & Byun, P. (2019, October). Lessons learned ESL professionals to inspire the TESOL community. Presented at the CATESOL Annual Conference, San Jose, CA. 
  • Byun, P. (2019, July). The innovative use of authenticity in TESOL in challenging times. Presented at the 2019 Joint International Conference, Seoul, Korea. 
  • Kelch, K., & Byun, J. (2018, December). Normalizing professional development in graduate TESOL program. Presented at the 2018 CATESOL Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA.  
  • Byun, J. (2018, October). Speaking fluency development through the application of linguistics and authenticity. Presented at the 2018 KOTESOL international Annual Conference, Seoul, Korea.